Anjaneyasana | Low Lunge: A Pose of Devotion, Gratitude, and the Balance of Giving and Receiving

Discovering Strength and Balance Through Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

In yoga, every pose tells a story, and Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose) is no exception. Named after Anjana, the celestial mother of Hanuman, this pose holds a profound lesson about the interplay of strength, humility, and balance.

It also reminds us of the Law of Giving and Receiving: the flow of energy in life that nurtures both ourselves and others.

The Mythology of Anjaneyasana

Anjaneyasana is named after Anjana, whose story is one of devotion, courage, and divine grace. As the legend goes, Anjana prayed fervently to the gods for a child. Her prayers were answered when she gave birth to Hanuman, the monkey deity known for his boundless strength and unwavering devotion.

Anjana’s devotion and prayers represent the act of giving selflessly to the world, trusting that her energy and love would come full circle. Hanuman’s life, in turn, became an embodiment of receiving this gift and using it for service, courage, and faith. This flow between giving and receiving reminds us of the sacred balance required to navigate life’s challenges.

Anjaneyasana: A Pose of Balance

The posture of Low Lunge Pose reflects this dynamic beautifully:

• The front leg: Firmly grounded, symbolizes the rootedness of giving—offering stability and support.

• The back leg and lifted arms: Reaching into the unknown, embodying the openness required to receive strength, courage, and opportunity.

When you practice Anjaneyasana, you’re stepping into a moment of balance between action and surrender, embodying the grace of Anjana and the courage of Hanuman.

The Law of Giving and Receiving teaches us that the energy we put out into the world is part of a continuous flow. Just as we must give generously, we must also remain open to receiving, trusting that life will replenish and sustain us

Anjana’s story is a beautiful reflection of this principle. She gave her love and devotion to the divine, and in return, she was blessed with Hanuman—a being who carried her values forward, serving others with courage and faith.

In your own life, consider:

  1. Are you giving freely, without attachment to the outcome?

  2. Are you open to receiving, without guilt or resistance?

Anjaneyasana invites you to explore this balance, reminding you to give generously while also replenishing yourself so that you can serve others from a place of strength.

Journaling Prompts To deepen your reflection, consider these prompts:


  1. What are three ways I give to others, and how does it feel to give?

  2. Am I giving from a place of joy or obligation?


  1. How comfortable am I with receiving help, kindness, or rest?

  2. What might I need to receive more of in my life right now?

Challenges as Balance:

  1. Reflect on a recent challenge. What strength or insight did it reveal within me?

  2. How can I honor both the struggle and the growth it brought?

Gratitude for Challenges

Life’s challenges often ask us to navigate this balance. Just as Anjana gave without knowing how her prayers would be answered, we, too, must trust that every challenge carries the seeds of growth and transformation.

In Low Lunge Pose, we can reflect on this flow:

• Grounding into the present moment (giving stability).

• Reaching for the unknown future (receiving possibility).

• Honoring the growth that comes from embracing both.

Practice Prompt: Anjaneyasana with Intention

When you step into Anjaneyasana, bring awareness to the flow of energy in the pose:

• As you ground your front foot and leg: Ask yourself, “What am I offering to the world? What am I giving freely from my heart?”

• As you extend your back leg and lift your arms: Ask yourself, “What am I open to receiving? How can I invite support, strength, and possibility into my life?”

Hold the pose for several breaths, visualizing a balance between giving and receiving. Repeat on the other side.

Affirmation for Anjaneyasana

As you practice, let this affirmation guide you:

“Challenges are not walls but gateways to my hidden courage and power. I rise, knowing that every leap reveals the strength within me.”

Let this pose remind you that when you give of yourself—your time, energy, or love—it returns to you in unexpected and beautiful ways.

A Pose for Every Practitioner

Low Lunge Pose is a wonderfully accessible posture and rich with meaning. It doesn’t demand the flexibility of Hanumanasana (the full splits) but offers the same opportunity to explore strength, grace, and balance.

Take a moment today to step into Anjaneyasana with intention, honoring both the strength it takes to give and the openness required to receive.

How do you balance giving and receiving in your life? What challenges have helped you discover hidden courage and strength?

I hope you have enjoyed this exploration of Anjanayasana and the story of Anjana. We all faec challenges at some point, and it’s in these moments when we can dig deep and call on our resilience, strength and courage. If you would like to join me for a 10-Minute Meditation centering on gratitude for challenges, you can practice along with me on my YouTube channel:

As always, Be Well, Friends.


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